Armenian people were the component of competition between kingdoms and empires of the region and were often seen carved up in power relations ( Roman invasion , conquered by the Arabs , battles between Byzantines and Turks, shared territory between Turks and Persian Empire, Russian). particularly peaceful relations between Turkey and Armenia. 3. Hier vendredi 24 avril 2020, l’ancien Vice … Le déclenchement du premier conflit mondial conduit les autorités ottomanes à perpétrer divers crimes à l’encontre des Arméniens, ceci sur fond de décomposition de l’empire, de volonté de créer un Etat national uni et dans un climat de suspicion généralisé. L’extermination des Arméniens de l’Empire Ottoman pendant la Première Guerre mondiale a anéanti plus d’un million de personnes déportées et massacrées sur l’ordre du pouvoir ottoman.
Finally, we can mention the World Council of Churches positions, through the Declaration adopted in 1983. It is important to remember that this genocide was recognized by the UN in 1985 and by the European Parliament in 1987. On 13 March 2001 the National Council, following a unanimous decision by the Foreign Affairs Committees of both Houses, transmitted to the Federal Council the petition of the Association of Opponents of Genocide (Frankfurt am Main) and to “address the issue of the Armenian Genocide in the framework of the political dialogue between Switzerland and Turkey.” It is therefore natural that the National Council should endorse this position by a solemn declaration. De l’avis du Conseil fédéral, l’acceptation du postulat Vaudroz, au lieu d’être comprise comme un message de justice par les deux parties, pouvait donc avoir l’effet contraire et ajouter encore à la charge émotionnelle qui pèse sur la question arménienne. The Canton of Geneva has done so twice: by the Grand Council in 1998 and by the Council of State last December.

Il s’est avéré que la question arménienne pouvait être discutée assez ouvertement en Turquie et que les historiens pouvaient y conduire leurs recherches.
Mais l’acceptation de ce postulat pourrait avoir l’effet contraire et ajouter encore à la charge émotionnelle qui pèse sur les relations entre la Turquie et l’Arménie. This present declaration on the recognition of the Armenian genocide of 1915 is therefore not directed against Turkey who, like Germany has done in the case of the Jewish people, can recognize its past crimes in order to build relations with the Armenian people that are founded on historical truth. The next step was the submission in 1998 of a motion calling Ziegler demanding the Federal Council to recognize the Armenian Genocide. b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group [11] ‘LOI no 2001‐70 du 29 janvier 2001 relative à la reconnaissance du génocide arménien de 1915’: The definition of genocide in the agreement of the prevention and punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Genocide Convention) concluded in December 9, 1948 by the General Assembly of the United Nations. Dans son interpellation, Monsieur le Député Sandri pose deux questions : Les différents changements survenus au niveau de la direction politique du DIRE (suppléance, puis remplacement du Conseiller d’Etat Pierre Chiffelle, démissionnaire pour raisons de santé) ont occasionné une surcharge importante en terme de temps et d’engagement pour le Conseiller d’Etat Jean-Claude Mermoud, qui a eu la charge de la conduite simultanée de deux départements pendant une période relativement longue.

To date, the national parliaments of the following countries have recognized the Armenian Genocide: Uruguay, Cyprus, Argentina, Russia, Armenia, Greece, Lebanon, The national debate actually began in 1995 on the occasion of a, interpellation of the National Council requesting the Council Fankhauser, Federal to recognize the Armenian Genocide. In anticipation of the 24th April 2005, the State Council thinks that he should give a worthy response to the expectations raised by the public of our region by the position taken by the Grand Waldensian Board ? Treaty in March 2001 gave rise to an important debate in the National Council and was only rejected by a narrow majority of 3 votes (73:70). Recognizing the existence of a genocide is everyone’s duty because such a crime, which does not fall under the statute of limitation, calls on the entire humanity.

Issu de la fusion d’une population autochtone résidant autour du lac de Van et d’une peuplade indo-européenne apparue aux alentours du VIIe s. av. Pour le Conseil fédéral, la question qui se pose est celle de l’attitude que la Suisse devrait avoir face à ces événements tragiques survenus il y a près d’un siècle. Or do other. The interpellation of Massimo Sandri and others on recognition of the Armenian Genocide. A ce jour, les parlements nationaux des pays suivants ont reconnu le génocide arménien: Uruguay, Chypre, Argentine, Russie, Arménie, Grèce, Liban, Belgique, Italie, et France. By recognizing the Armenian Genocide, Switzerland renders justice to victims, survivors and their descendants, and contribute to the prevention of other crimes against humanity.

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