Lord Rockingham repeated these tales to Burke, who of course denied them with indignation. lather of indignation about the use of the death penalty in Trinidad & Tobago. But there are no reasons for thinking the performance ironical or insincere, and it cannot be doubted that Defoe would have been honestly unable even to understand Lamb's indignation. The papal letter when translated referred to the imperial crown as a benefice conferred by the pope, and its reading aroused great indignation.

It was Madame de Polignac who obtained the appointment of Calonne as controller-general of the finances,' and who succeeded Madame de Guemenee as "governess of the children of France" after the bankruptcy of the prince de Guemenee in 1782.4 Again, in response to Mercy and Joseph II. The indignation against him on account of his first-named work was so great that he would probably have been compelled to leave Italy had not Alphonso V. In the outburst of indignation, followed by increasing disaffection in Ireland, which this event produced, Grattan acted with conspicuous moderation and loyalty, which won for him warm acknowledgments from a member of the English cabinet.2 That cabinet, however, doubtless influenced by the wishes of the king, was now determined firmly to resist the Catholic demands, with the result that the country rapidly drifted towards rebellion. To satisfy the anti-colonial party he ceded Kassala to Great Britain, provoking thereby much indignation in Italy. Popular indignation was unbounded, and Sackville was dismissed from his offices.

indignation against the sin had to be (to use the technical term) propitiated. The action of the government, however, caused great indignation, and in a debate on the address an amendment was carried petitioning the king to dismiss his ministry. Peter's first serious outburst of indignation (March 1711) was due to the prince's looting in Poland. They are able to hide behind righteous indignation caused by the above practice. Also, some people expressed moral indignation at the fact there was a section of the hall reserved for ' women only ' . The action of the British cabinet caused both astonishment and indignation throughout South Africa and in the other selfgoverning states of the empire. The country was still torn by civil and religious dissensions; and Cameron excited the indignation of the more strenuous adherents of his own party. Public indignation was aroused by what were known as the "Bulgarian atrocities," and Gladstone flung himself into the agitation against Turkey with characteristic zeal. But neither Sheridan nor Fox was capable of that sustained and overflowing indignation at outraged justice and oppressed humanity, that consuming moral fire, which burst forth again and again from the chief manager of the impeachment, with such scorching might as drove even the cool and intrepid Hastings beyond all self-control, and made him cry out with protests and exclamations like a criminal writhing under the scourge. This roused the indignation of those prophets whose aim it was to purify the worship of Yahweh (see Elijah). His temper was hot, kept under rigid control; his disposition tender, gentle and loving, with flashing scorn and indignation against all that was ignoble and impure; he was a good husband, father and friend. In great anger and indignation he marched off towards the north, with his hired soldiery, swear- * ing to pm~nish the barons who had taken the leitd in the strike which had defeated his purpose. fearful judgment of fiery indignation which would devour God's adversaries. Hisham, however, would not again punish his old servant; on the contrary, he seems to have regarded his indignation as a proof of innocence. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Turkish Dictionary. Synonym Discussion of indignation. Considering the part he played in this transaction, Walsingham was fortunate to escape the fate which the queen with calculated indignation inflicted upon Davison. ments as hereditary fiefs, their consequent worldliness and (it must be added) their vices, aroused the indignation of two very remarkable men in the latter half of the 11th century. Abandoning the ancient Muscovite capital, where many influential personages were fanatically hostile to his innovations and not a few of the superstitious inhabitants regarded him with horror as Antichrist, he built at the mouth of the Neva a new capital which was to serve as " a window through which his people might look into Europe "; and laying aside the national St title of tsar he proclaimed himself (1711) emperor Peters- (Imperator) of all Russia - much to the surprise and indignation of foreign diplomatic chancelleries, which resented the audacity of a semi-barbarous potentate in claiming to be equal in rank with the head of the Holy Roman Empire. The indignation of the Christians increased, a state of insecurity prevailed, and the Moslem peasants refused to return to their homes.

While guests who were injured may rightfully feel indignation, frustration, and anger at the amusement park, those emotions do not necessarily indicate the need for an attorney's services. Much of Phil's self-righteous indignation seems to be directed at any such enterprise.

Without being one of those who in his city took an avowed part against the old ecclesiastical system, and probably without seeing clearly whither the religious ferment of the time was tending - without, that is, being properly speaking a Reformer - Diirer in his art and his thoughts was the incarnation of those qualities of the German character and conscience which resulted in the Reformation; and, personally, with the fathers of the Reformation he lived in the warmest sympathy.

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